HEMP: The new Hyperfood | sprower.com

What are sprouts?

A small, green coffer of well-being and life.

Every single seed contains within it an enormous vital energy, ready to release itself at its highest level in the sprout, a young, newly born seedling rich in nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, minerals, oligomineral, etc.

A small, green coffer of well-being and life.

Sprouted seeds enjoy higher nutritional density than the rest of fruit and vegetables.

Eating sprouts is a great way to increase your daily nutritional intake, especially as an alternative to animal protein.

Unlike most of the vegetables you buy, Sprower’s functional mixes are very fresh vegetable products, which do not contain any kind of preservatives, chemical fertilizers or pesticides, as they come only from the combination of seeds + water.

Sprouts are true gifts of nature that are digestible and detoxifying. The sprouting process transforms carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

This means that by eating sprouts, part of the digestion work is already done, even before you put the bite in your mouth. All to the advantage of the metabolism.

Sprower mixes have been designed to meet the needs of plant proteins, essential amino acids and fatty acids for daily human needs.

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